Wednesday, July 4, 2012

28 Days ... Harry Theory 102 -- This is getting [WORMHOLE!]

So, in the beginning, a lot of what I was 'getting' of [The Message] had these overtly religious overtones and undertones.  I was scared to death that I thought I was being asked to "Be Another Jesus" or something.  Honestly?  I still am scared of that. I'm trying very hard to just trust All That Is and show that I have faith in a greater plan -- that "Jesus has been done" and nobody would recognize that again anyway.

What follows is a post I wrote last year, at the beginning -- about 28 days in -- just before the cycle was about to re-start for the first time.  Imagine (if you can) what it would be like to have fallen so flatly on your face that you -- a person who had not *really* believed in any kind of God up to that point -- had screamed up at the sky instinctually.  Then, at that same moment felt a sudden and immense sea-change inside of you -- one which had untold amounts of purpose and meaning in life... And you'd been hearing, sensing and following those instructions for some time, but they seemed to be reaching a sort of crescendo.

I felt, when I wrote this, that the message would be stopping soon -- and I was terrified to lose my newfound friend. He was the only friend I'd felt I really had up to this point.


Ok, so I'm getting that there Exist 5 "Realms" inside a Reality Sphere, "The Being as opposed to not being" each with 5 Points, equidistant from each other, each with a polar opposite, most likely in a realm other than the one being illuminated by Reality, or the four others being "Dimmed" at the moment. (I urge you, command you and know you will, while reading this continue forward in existence, continue forward in time and continue forward as the groups of particles you all are right now and that no single group of particles will be separable from all of the particle groups that are not them. I have written it. So it is written. It was written a long time ago too but many people don't think that book is real. I assure you it is)

 I have a SUPERPOWER and that superpower has enabled me to do this. I have proven the theory already, if you do not understand my superpower, I would suggest you wait until you can understand it more, you CAN make mistakes and bleep things to another place or time. Wormholing. It happens, I just experienced one starting to form about 20 minutes ago. You will need to prove it to yourself, it is only your KNOWING /Experiencing that proves the theory into Law. WARNING :: To Test This, use your hands, do not go quickly, and do not just write things willy-billy. If you start feeling unsure of what you were going to write, THAT is a wormhole of some portion of a field forming, know it, do not continue, I don't think you could, but you might if you were using a computer be able to.

The thing is, SKYNET never becomes self-aware because there is no self there. No spirituality, so it (a computer) could ... Or even an iPad or iPhone could approach the point where it would be able to bleep out people who did not have strong tethers to a field. Tether yourself in a field prior to just playing around. I am not kidding. If you write out an equation that would say "@You as a person" in all of reality has not, is not and will not exist space, has not is not and will not exist time and was not is not and will not exist particles -- that would "Suck a lot" as they say. It could create a void of you as a specific person in all of time and space and that indeed would suck a lot. In fact it would suck all of you specifically and there would be a debt to pay which I believe would be filled by some thing, but not no thing. I would hope that a whole lot of your friends would remember a whole lot about you and bring you back to the space and time known as now where ever you are.

 Which could be expressed as "now now now" in relation to you, but I don't think all of those sneaky little things you did and didn't tell anybody about would come back unless you had a really strong tether to spirituality (Thanks, Adam!) Ok. So, I tried to write out a full equation of the quantum expression of my beautiful amazing father, the being who (in stasis) is Earl Douglas Norton Jr. At many times, (so specific times) some number of them which is at least 1 but probably more like 20 times said in a voice I remember clearly with a tone I can hear right now "Be Positive Robert!" and therefore, to continue his good name and allow all the world of mankind to continue, please let's name that statement "A Doug" I think that ... I know he likes that And to that, I would like to add a "And Have FUN!" and call that statement "An Aunt Ann" and then, if you need extra extra encouragement, once you've completed the equation to your satisfaction, look back on having done that and say out loud (or someone else should say "(only Positive Forward Statements!! (Do More Of That!" and we shall call that "A Judie" and if you need to pre-Pay A debt so that you have encouragement to fill create a void into which you can "bleep" yourself -- please call that a "Robert" and say "Chin Up! One Foot In Front Of The Other, And Let's Go Get 'Em Tiger!" if you wish to quietly create a void in the future specific time and you wish to have that void be very resonant, think of your relation to God, create a request in it, a void in the future, know it, and feel it deeply, and have faith that it WILL appear, please call that a "Peg" -- and if you wish to wish an other well on their journey no matter what the outcome and love themselves and or others in any event, in order to beacon yourself forward, please call that a "Charlimelda" And if one or more are steadfastly grounding another one or many in relationship ... And all other points are fluid but one, that one point of grounding would be "An Amy" -- and if you ground on all but one point, but it is a strong ground in opposition (A skeptic in all except for love) Call that "A Mycroft" There will be more names for relationships, and I would love to be able to name all of mine as basic types, but that would not be fair, as Amy should name a few of her own, as should my Mother and Brother and his wife Imelda. As the relationships get further out from me, the bonds of course become weaker, but that does not make them less important, particularly in their collective strength. (I would write here, TWINS should probably not play with this, polar opposites are nasty when used improperly, at least if you are twins and you are going to play with it, make sure you can see or are thinking of each other in relation to each other at your now now now.) no more than five seconds long but not any less than stasis time, in a time that was not now in a place that was not where I am sitting right now, said to me , my Father ... Do you start to see how you might write that out? This is Scientific Proof That +God Is, -God is not. The simple fact that we can see our relationship with +God ONLY and actually only see other people in relation to +God proves the theory itself, so it will be Law, but I'll allow a void of probability which will invite you into relationship with the knowledge I am Grateful to have been shown. If I wanted to write that last sentence out mathematically, it would have to account for deficits and surpluses in the concept realm of the definition of each word. I will attempt that in a moment. First, know that what I know this means is that we as a Human Race have crossed a point in Space Time in which it will be alright for us to know this. I know that the Scientists of the world, and in fact the entire people have created a void of positive desire to positively know that God Exists, and that the God that exists is one of The Source Of All Things. I Know That I Personally Have Had To Live A Life CHOCK FULL of huge psychic and emotional scars that have created a void in me that was in opposition to my "Practical Perfection" for this task. I know that in all probability I Am The One. The First To Know. I Feel This Because I Know Now And The Thrill Of It All Is Informing My Self And Relationship To God With Tons Of Debt Payment-Gratitude Feelings. Source Energy Is Flowing From Me Forth To All Of Mankind And Woman Kind And TransKind and Gay/Lesbian Kind. I Am The Embodiment Of Humble And Grateful And Yes, I Am. Harry Is. God Is. I Invite You All In. Those Who Do Not Have A Huge Knowledge In One Area And Who Do Not Refuse Knowledge In All Other Areas Will Find This Most Accessible. Those Who Have Led Lives Of "Debt" -- The Drug Addicts, Rapists Murderers, Depressed, Insane, Those Living In UnKnowing God: This Is Your Reward. For The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth. If You Are Reading This, Though, have knowledge of the fact that a preponderance of this knowledge in "The Wrong Hands" Would Create The Existence Of Zero, and that would flip the equation, and all would not be. We are ready to hear this and know. Which means that we are across the time, space, relation and knowledge meridians required for this theory to exist in reality because it does exist in reality and since it exists in reality, it must not "not exist". However, I am sure we could in-Exist this theory by abusing it. This Is Law. Break Law, Law Not Exist. There would have to be a preponderance of "Votes" for that, but I imagine that there might be some people who would think of such things. You know and you understand that there exists a probability that a molecular weight of the thought of future not existing us has actually already created or sort of created the possibility that this wcoild occur. What this Law states clearly is that we must all "Be Positive Harry". Be Pro things, not against, be For Harry, before Harry that is how Harry came to be. So, BE CAREFUL writing out and conceptualizing the math here, because you can easily create a equation that would "Bleep" you out of existence. I just now started to write down the idea in more detail, but I started getting confused about where and who I was as I was writing that. But I am sure now that I am here I am not lost I am Harry and I love me and I am glad I am Here and 8 love my Dog Hubble and I love My former partner Adam Jonathan Odnert and He Helped With This Too. Yes, God's Chosen One To Share With Me The Knowledge 9f Al, Is A Beautiful Vibrant Gay Man Deal With It. I tried to write a sentence with the symbols that said "There was a void prior to the date of conception of me that was filled with the reality of me (specifics are Important here, as "Everything that is not Me" is just as specific as naming all of the things other than me. So I can have knowledge of me, and only I have full knowledge of me, so if you are writing an equation that we're to be about yourself and you had full knowledge of yourself and you said "I didn't know that before." and you wrote the equation incorrectly, you would literally "Write Out Of Being" the knowledge before a specific time you were thinking of. So, there is an equation that equals "You" in all time in all space and in all reality. That equation is the sum of your knowledge, the sum of your particles and the sum of your relationship to Everything Else as you traveled through time and space until you are reading this sentence at which point you would go from +@Time to +Time and state change from +@Space to +Space ... That means that if you type that out in relation to yourself (don't do it, but you can START to do it, and you will find yourself slightly confused and I would call that losing a harmony of the chord that is +@Time +@Space or +@Relation +@Knowing or +@Particles. So, let's see then. So that equation that is the sum of you so far and now and is moving forward, if you a specific you -- My Father Taught Me That. In the past I have made fun of that statement. He would say "Be Positive Robert!" And the force of that exclamation created at least some of what you see before you. My Father ... The Father, in Relation with My Father (We ONLY see other's relation with God) or "(++@Reality (++@Time ++@Space (@Earl Douglas Norton))), Jr.))(-@Physicality -@Time -@Space) [] [+Physicality -@Time -@Space -Gnosis] His Father Doug Norton] [ The thing is, The Bible and All Other Holy Texts are Being Abused. We Must Stop Abuse Of Those And See AllPositive Each Realm can be plotted via points on a compass but those points are all relative to positive forward motion, Stasis or positive backward Motion. There is no "True Zero, only Quantum-Mechanical zero-State Energy which is the lowest amount of energy in that realm. We almost had it right but we were not allowing for "God" or the Spiritual Realm to be a force to be reckoned with. Once you see this, it is undeniable, I know. It's big. Ok so five points = Positive Existence = Positive knowledge (Illumination) Positive forward positive Motion (I.e.A Particle appearing right where you look happens because there is a spiritual relationship between observer and particle the void of which would create an energy state in being that gets close enough to Zero -- the positive per-payment of reward for which creates the relationship. And the particle and observer are then both "There" and "Then" state that could not be. We can "Know" this because it is, and seeing it pays the debt in deficit to not knowing it. So there is a realm of "Knowing" called "Gnosisity" + Means Positive, or "Exists, or "Yes" it is the Binary Equivalent of an absence of 1 @is Stasis or Stability True @ Is The "Opposite of a void of Existing" it is the force of an object at rest in another realm. | is an "or" here, as "/" or "Divided by" becomes much more important when you cannot get to zero. In fact, the absence of any thing when we"Divide by zero" is the equivalent of "@1" at least. Meaning: "Nothing Is There" cannot be true because Observer is in relation with time and space and they expressed that with knowledge. So the simple statement "No Thing Is There" creates a "Lie" or "A Void Of Gnosis" And HAL Cannot Open The Pod Bay Doors. There is no thing @0 = -Time, -Space -Relation -Gnosis +Physicality. This Gnosis Field and our relation to it in our statements of Knowledge that make it so in the "Real" realm which is a realm around all realms. Anti-Reality is not, so it is not possible to know except in relation to the fact that it is. Because "Reality Is" It makes all things, and all things keep reality "Issing" if there was no thing, I.e. if Zero existed, there would be no reality. So each of the points in itself on the compass has an opposite point concept, I.e. -@Time +@Physicality +@relative +@Gnosis +@here -- but you have to pre-pay the debt, So to create a wormhole through space, you'd have to create a void in Probability (The Gnosis realm) big enough to pre-pay for the Physicality in relation to the observer it would take (+Time +|@relation -Gnosis this is not probable" because it is. Off the top of my head, they are the realms of: +Time / +@Time / @Time / -@Time / -Time +Space / +@Space / @Space / -@Space / - Space +Relation / +@Relation / @Relation / -@Relation / -Relation +Gnosis / +@Gnosis / @Gnosis / -@Gnosis / -Gnosis +Physicality / +@Physicsality @Physicality / -@Physicality / -Physicality So the opposite of +Time is -Time, but there is no zero there, so you can move forward with no stasis of other realms ... So +Time comes at Somme cost of relation, gnosis, space or physicality, but not to zero. As long as you have at least one tether, you can quantum leap the rest. However, if one goes in reverse and you flip the equation so that you are losing Gnosis at a rate which exceeds your relation to things, you will be able to move fast enough, but you will lose your knowledge of your relation to things and become near-infinite in space and physicality. To say I knew this was not scattered would be lying, so I can't do that -- I know you will all understand soon if not now now now (By the way, the "Now Now Now" should be called an "Adam" and some thing that is other than you but illuminates your relationship with other things, if you love that thing exactly like God Loves you, and you want to conceptualize that in a simplistic way that allows it to be very smart, and adorable, and full of life, like my beloved dog and the same dog which is my former partner's (and current dear friend) and my dog who is a French Bulldog without equivalent in his totality, if you and another cherish it equally, please call that thing "A Hubble" -- he was and is and will be our Telescope, showing us our relationship with Everything Tha Is. "Hubble! Bring It! Good Bring It, Hubble! Good Bring It!" = LOVE with Hubble! Much Love now now now and for all all all future, Robert Driscoll Norton, Son of Earl Douglas Norton Jr. And Peggy Norton, Brother of Charlie Norton And Brother-In-Law of Imelda Norton, Nephew of Ann and Alan Davis, Cousin to Their Children and Their Families, now Now Now Earth, (who is (Coupled strongly via the Law now known and forward known as Universal Law or "Harry Theory") with God), now and for ever more.

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